Invitation to: 2022 Strahlentherapie und Onkologie Special Issue in Radiation Biology

Future Prospects in Radiation Oncology from the Perspective of Innovative Radiation Biology

Current radiation biology covers a competence in investigating basic effects of ionizing radiation. By this, growing interest in the complex molecular circuits in malignant cells and in cellular interactions of different cell types present in tumor tissue resulted the emergence of innovative research areas covering biological targeting, and exploring the impact of the tumor microenvironment and immune system to combat radiation resistance. Moreover, experimental radiation oncology in interdisciplinary collaborations with biophysics, molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology represents an essential element in translational (radiation) oncological research.

In the special issue, we aim to bring together original research and review articles addressing the current landscape of radiobiological research in Germany and Europe covering DNA repair/damage response, aspects of immune modulation, tumor-stroma interactions, molecular targeting, biomarkers of radiation exposure, and the impact of different radiation qualities. In the end, this issue should provide innovative prospects in molecular radiation oncology and serve as a platform to guide future clinical developments.

We kindly invite you to submit your valued contribution to the special issue until August 31th 2022 to the submissions system of the journal directly: Link
To make sure that your submission will be assigned to the correct handling editor, you will be asked if you are submitting to a special issue. Here you should click ‚Yes‘ and then select the “Special Issue: Radiation Biology” series.

We are very much looking forward to receiving your submission.

Best regards, also on behalf of the Editors-in-Chief and all Editors of the journal,

Udo Gaipl & Franz Rödel


Prof. Dr. Udo Gaipl
Strahlenklinik, Strahlen-Immunbiologie
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Germany
Section Editor Radiation Biology

Prof. Dr. Franz Rödel
Klinik für Strahlentherapie und Onkologie
Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt, Germany
Section Editor Radiation Biology